Fabulous Kindergarten Duo

Hi! I'm Sabrina! Welcome to Kindergarten & Fabulous!   I'm a Massachusetts kindergarten teacher, wife, and mom of two daughters. I love spending time with my family, vacationing, teaching kindergarten and all things sparkly.  

  Ashley and I love what we do and want to share our wonderful journey as Fabulous Kindergarten teachers.  

(This is my amazing family!  Oh yeah, our family wouldn't be complete without my puppy, Stella 😘)

My name is Ashley and I am also a kindergarten teacher in Massachusetts.  Sabrina and I have been partner teachers and partners in crime for a few years now.  When I am not at school I am a mother to 2 fun little boys!  I love teaching my kindergarten babies, spending time with my boys and hubby, and shopping (at Target of course because who doesn't love Target?😍).  I cannot wait to share my ideas with you!
This is a picture of myself, my two boys, and my hubby.  We clean up nice!😍💜